Tuesday, April 27, 2010

zirin, wise, coakley

Zirins article emphasizes strongly that being white, wealthy, and having a high athletic ability can ultimately save people from prosecution. This can be seen when comparing Ben Roethlisberger to Michaels Vicks criminal trial. Ben Roethlisberger was acquitted of all charges when he was accused of raping a 20 year old. It was said that he was acquitted because he was white, rich, and extremely talented at football; and that he should thank god for his ‘whiteness.’ When compared to Michael Vicks trial about regarding dog-fighting charges, he was convicted and sentences. Some argue that this shows how inferior women are in comparison to dogs and how being white comes with privileges (being acquitted of charges).

Wises article argues that whites should be punished just as blacks would in the same types of situations. Being white is not a free pass to threatened act violent towards others and should come with equal consequences. If blacks were to do the same crime as a white individuals, the black would be punished more sever. Wise alludes to role reversals in regards to certain situations (if a black did this, do you think a white would be treated the same if he were to do it too?). These two articles relate to “Unpacking the Knapsack” because whiteness and privileges that follow are everywhere around us without society even realizing it. It’s when we think about those -what if?- situations that we bring these differences to light.

Coakley’s argument in his article refers to blacks and their “athletic dynasty” and obligations to play sports as their means of upward mobility. They feel that sport favors them because of cultural and biological influences are superior to whites. These actually can aid blacks in their success in sport. For blacks, people believe genetics play the major role in success; they can jump higher and run faster and have a better overall athletic ability. But for whites, it’s their social and cultural aspects that result in success as apposed to biological and genetic forces. I see it this way, white success athletic ability doesn’t lead to questioning but when a black succeeds in sport, people are constantly analyzing and trying to reveal why they succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. Tim Wise’s argument discusses the theme of white privilege. He tries and demonstrates how white people are favored and sometimes privileged over a colored person by experimenting and comparing situations where white and colored people are seen as threats and vice versa. He came to the conclusion that even when a colored person does something that seems threatening to society if a person of white skin did the same thing they would seem less threatening. He believes that skin color is one of the main reasons for judging people.
    On the other hand Zirin’s main argument in regards to Roethlisberger’s accused sexual assault case is that he should thank god that he isn’t of color and that he is white. He also ties in the case where Michael where he was sent to prison for dog fighting chargers. He also talks about how both men had fame, wealth, and the best lawyers and someone how Ben was the one who got off. I believe that this is a load of BS. Vick was actually found guilty, there was physical evidence that he was doing something that he shouldn’t have. All though I hate Big Ben I think that you cannot the two because there was no physical evidence that support the sexual assault charges.
    There is this preset notion that white people are automatically given things over colored people and minorities. This case that Vick was convicted and sent to jail because he was black and Ben didn’t because he’s white is absolutely absurd. Michael Vick was violating Federal Laws and was caught in the act, there is nothing against Ben. You could connect this to “unpacking the knapsack” because it talks about how white people are used to be in the norm and they know what is expected of them, which isn’t always the case.
    All though I don’t think there is a connection between these two stars white supremacy is definitely presented more in the Zirin argument. Discussed in the article is how Big Ben escaped conviction and Vick couldn’t because he was black. Zirin strictly basis this result on skin color and because Vick was black he got caught. Big Ben is an example of white privilege in that he was able to get out of it and not go to jail. All though I don’t agree with it people believe or at least these authors believe that your skin color can either make you guilty or innocent.
    In Caokley’s article on the athleticism of color athletes and this idea that they grow up thinking that their race has a better body than another. Colored people often times connect sport and athleticism with success and that’s not the case at all. We actually had an ex NFL super star come in and talk to the team about the NFL and his best advice was get your degree. People believe genetics play the major role in success when it comes to colored people. They believe they can jump higher and run faster and have a better overall athletic ability. But for whites, it’s their social and cultural aspects that result in a less athletic environment. I believe that the environment you grow up in can directly affect the way your body matures and develops and there is no different between classes and races
